Digital marketing agency myths you need to know

Digital marketing is an area of trade that has exponentially grown over the years due to the upsurge in internet access by the general public. There are, however, a number of myths associated with digital marketing and agencies in general.

Here are some of the common myths associated with digital marketing

Content marketing doesn’t help businesses

Research has shown that there is an increase in the number of consumers using the internet to search for products and services and make online purchases. Therefore, whatever business an entity is involved in, it makes business sense to capitalise on this available market. Some of the benefits of content marketing are better audience retention, lead generation and increased conversions, higher Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) rankings, improved brand awareness, generating industry authority and creating brand advocates.

Only larger businesses need this

Businesses of all sizes are characterised by the brand/service/product they provide. While budgets and strategies may differ, the desired outcome is often the same. A small business needs a digital marketing agency that can develop locally targeted campaigns to reach local customers. Therefore, small businesses are able to avoid competing with larger businesses by strategically targeting audiences relevant to their brand and product offering. This is likely to grow the brands return on investment as they are strategically making use of their media budget to target the right audience.

It’s not worth what agencies charge

Cost is considered a major issue when it comes to digital marketing. A common myth is that it’s not worth it, and the work done for the cost is minimal. What’s important to understand is that digital marketing has diverse components of moving parts such as pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimisation (SEO), social media, paid content marketing, programmatic, digital & video, email marketing etc. All these elements require in-depth research and application of digital principles through strategy, guaranteeing sustainable business growth. The science and work that goes into the implementation of these tools is therefore worth the expense as the results tend to meet client objectives.

Digital marketing results cannot be tracked

A common myth is that digital marketing can be a shot in the dark without measurable outcomes. Realistically, there is a lot of tracking and analytical work done to ensure campaigns are optimised to reach the right users. Different tracking tools can be deployed, such as Google Analytics. This tool tracks the organic performance of landing pages, blogs and examines the path taken by the customer to reach their goal.  Another tool is Ahrefs which measures the strengths of a website’s backlinking profile and organic performance. Google Data Studio can be used to assist with data for monthly and weekly performance summaries. These tools and many others aid with in-depth campaign performance tracking and performance communication with clients.

SEO is dead

Content is king but search engine optimisation (SEO) is a key traffic driver. As organic search remains a popular way for users to find specific online content. An effective SEO strategy will help improve an article or a web page search engine ranking. In a nutshell, better ranking means more traffic. So, while SEO practices can change over time, it is unlikely to die as long as users turn to search engines for their online browsing needs.

Digital audiences are too big to target effectively

The online audience is definitely a never-ending sea, but it doesn’t mean it’s beyond digital targeting tools. The power of digital marketing allows businesses to narrow down this broad audience with precise audience targeting. This is done by collecting data on online user engagement, allowing for digital marketing campaigns to be tailored accordingly.

For more on digital marketing products and services, contact the Hive team at [email protected].


Patrick Mumbi

DATE: Feb 28, 2023
AUTHOR: Patrick Mumbi

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